Merci Beaucoup, 2017.

I've to save my memories because many thigs that I left in my life.
2017 is most unforgettable year. So I want to write my 21 random things (21 for as same as my age) what I've got or what I had done. Check this out...
Maybe you're one of my random (but special) things he he..

1. Having a good trip on early 2017 (Bogor - Jakarta - Bandung) for 3 weeks and meeting new people there.

2. Going back to Jakarta in same year for doing Kerja Praktik. Having some grateful experinces to making a research in advanced Laboratories.

3. Finishing my awesome research than I ever think, about Rare Earth Metals. I thank to you, Pak Jarot, Bu Hanif, and all of perople that helped me.

4. Doing a trip to Puncak Cisarua, Bogor in the middle of sunday night. Thanks Nope, Sai, Hedy, Firman for granted my wish.

5. My most priceless team ever, Kementerian PSDM Kabinet Integrasi KM ITK.

Having a chance to give something that I can do for KM ITK.

6. Having almost 4 years friendship with these best people.

7. Living as an half-time teacher. I have many lessons from this work.

8. Welcoming Muhammad Aji Pamungkas, my 21-years-difference brother a (more) nwe hope for our family.

9. Buying and reading more history book. Cause it helped to open my other perspective.

10. Having my 3 months without instagram! It decreased my intensity for using social media till now.

11. Improving my english skill frequently than before. Thats why my some posts is wrote in english.

12. Coming back to my precious place, Fisika ITS. I missed it damn as much for 2 years ago, especially for this girl.

13. Having another unforgettable moment on my 21st birthday. Thanks for these freakin' idea, guys.

And all of my best friends who never forget my day.

14. Getting new room-mate - someting that I wanted most, It's named Fafa. Another thanks for most annoying couple but I love them, Sai dan Fauzan.

15. Treating my blog better than before.

16. Finding myself as an half introvert kind of person.

17. Making my parents to say Alhamdulillah for having me, I've got 4,00 in this semester.

18. My idol is coming back this year! Black Suit~

19. Running for Sept 2018 graduating eve! Bismillah. (Going Jakarta 3 times this year)

20. Making more deal with myself and what I have. Having more time for my God and being thankful with what I've got from Him.

21. Realizing that moving on is hard. But having a good-normal conversation with you after so long time is better. I appreciated myself for another harder achievement like this.

Good bye my 2017..


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