Dwipa, He is Okay with All.

I have only one brother (for a while, because my mother is on pregnant and I don't know who is coming in my family soon).
He is 17th this year, a zone when I think he can handle himself. He is my chitchat person, not for everytime, at least every we meet in home. It will be a long day(night) to share how do we feel since we can't meet (about school, friends, our fav things, gossiping our neighbors that we left it, etc etc).

He isn't good in his study because It's rare to see him busy in his books in home, specially for math and arithmetic lesson. And me, I pretty love that.
He likes gaming, watching, sleeping, and all about not enforce his brain to think. And me, I'm a harder thinker.
But, he never tell me about his sighs. Cause he never complain with all he has. He is enjoy with his own life, and just do that.
He likes cleaning his room (like my father, they don't like dirty things), cooking, chating with my mother, and he is thrifty with his money. It's all that I can't organize.

He is not on 10 years old yet when my mother was gone. I can't imagine when I'm in his position. 
He studied, slept, went to school, got his report on school, buy clothes without my mother. And he's ok with that.
When his friends have a new shoes, he never say that he want it. When he has no money, he never ask me. When his friends have a mom beside them, he never look jealously. When my father get angry to him, he never tell me. When he has a good score in school, he will tell me fastly. He's always ok with that.
Now, he turns to the last year in vocational high school. He said he was in false way to choose industrial chemical as his class. But he stays it on and got up his ranking than last semester.

Bad or good things happen to him, I never saw him in desperate. He is keeping his life on, and okay with it all.

Keep it up, Dek.


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